Pishtech LLC Privacy Policy:

At Pishtech LLC we respect the privacy of everyone who uses our website and/or our software. We invite users to opt in to our email list when they register our software or request updates about our products. We don't share those email address or other information with any other company or individual. We maintain our email lists solely to communicate with users about our own products. We email subscribers on our list infrequently, not more than a few messages per year. We use email to announce the release of our new products, major updates, or pricing changes. When we use email for product announcements we always include a link people can use to opt out of future emails, and we do not include those who have opted out in future email announcements.

Pishtech LLC collects non-personally-identifying information about our app usage. We use this information to better understand how people use our apps.

Some Pishtech products use AdMob and/or other third-party advertising platforms. These third parties collect and analyze user information about users habits and/or devices. This allows them to show ads that are relevant to users.
Click here for details about the AdMob privacy policy.

Pishtech LLC reserves the right to update this policy.

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